Brow Lift
in Tucson, AZ
Eye-opening Results
Gravity and the aging process can cause our brow to fall from its normal youthful position. The result is increased heaviness, frown lines and forehead wrinkling which can give you an aged, tired look. A brow lift or forehead lift restores the tissues of the brow to a more youthful position, smooths skin of the forehead, and gives an overall refreshed look to the upper face.
If you feel your forehead looks heavy, your eyebrows droop giving you a sad appearance, you have deep lines between the brows or on the forehead, or you have excess skin or hooding on the upper eyelids, you may be a candidate for a brow lift with Dr. Lo.

Benefits of a
Brow Lift
Lifts sagging, excessive brow skin from eyebrows and upper eyelids
Reduces wrinkles of the forehead and area around the outer corners of the eyes
Restores eyebrows to their natural position for a more youthful look
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I Have Brow Lift Scars?
As with any surgical procedure, you will have some level of scarring. Dr. Lo’s expert eye and the placement of the hairline incisions of the endoscopic brow lift helps conceal visible scars. Following your post-care instructions will help promote healing and minimize scarring.
What is a Non-Surgical Brow Lift?
Neurotoxins such as Botox or Dysport can be used to temporarily lift the brow and smooth lines in the forehead. Dermal Fillers can be used to fill temporal hollows. Laser rejuvenation can help reduce deep lines in the forehead or between the brows.
What Age Should I Have a Brow Lift?
The amount of descent in the brows depends on genetics, facial anatomy, and lifestyle. Both men and women can start to notice their brows sag in their 40’s however younger patients can benefit from a brow lift if they are genetically predisposed to deep, heavy brows.

Combining Procedures
During your consultation at our Tucson Cosmetic Surgery office, Dr. Lo will evaluate your areas of concern and discuss your individual cosmetic goals. Patients often come to Dr. Lo thinking they need upper eyelid surgery but learn a brow lift is a better option to achieve their desired result. For those patients wanting to restore a youthful balance to all parts of the face, a brow lift may be combined with a facelift, facial fat transfer, or lip lift procedure. Dr. Lo will customize your brow lift procedure based on your facial anatomy and your concerns to create a harmonious facial rejuvenation.

The Brow Lift Procedure
Dr. Lo will carefully evaluate each patient. The best candidate will be in good physical and mental health, have realistic expectations of the brow lift procedure, understand all risks involved, and be willing to follow pre- and post-operative instructions.
All our procedures are performed at our in-office surgical suite giving patients a tranquil and private surgical experience. Brow lift procedures can be done with local anesthesia or patients may select light sedation if they prefer. During the brow lift procedure, Dr. Lo will make tiny incisions at or in the hairline, and then will use specialized equipment to both release and reposition the brow tissue and muscle. Using dissolvable sutures, Dr. Lo will elevate and anchor the forehead and eyebrows and suture the area closed. Dr. Lo will restore the brow position using his minimally invasive technique so patients experience a faster, more comfortable recovery, and see a refreshed, lifted brow and more youthful appearance. The brow lift can typically take one to two hours with additional procedures adding more time.

Tucson, Arizona Brow Lift Experts
As an expert in the cutting-edge cosmetic techniques of brow lift and eyelid surgery, Dr. Lo will often perform a brow lift in conjunction with an upper eyelid lift or blepharoplasty surgery to achieve a brighter look and more youthful appearance. The brow lift or forehead lift addresses deep forehead wrinkles and drooping eyebrows which can cause an excess of upper eyelid skin. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty procedure alone can address excess eyelid skin, but if severe excess skin is present, Dr. Lo may recommend a brow lift procedure for the best result.

What can I expect after the procedure?
After your brow lift procedure the forehead area may feel tight for the first days. You’ll be expected to rest with your head elevated and relax the first few days post-surgery to let your body heal. Swelling and bruising can last for up to 2-weeks, with no strenuous activity or exercise for 2-weeks. Most patients feel comfortable returning to daily activities within the first 5-7 days and returning to work within 2-weeks depending on comfort level. Minor bruising can be concealed with mineral makeup. Some patients experience numbness in the forehead after the procedure, this typically resolves within a few months after surgery. Recovery can take up to a month or more depending on your natural healing process.
Dr. Lo is committed to your successful recovery and is there for you throughout your cosmetic journey and at your scheduled follow up appointments. Brow lift results last varying amounts of time depending on skin condition and whether or not you maintain your results. The longevity of your brow lift rejuvenation results can be maintained with non-invasive aesthetic treatments at our Med Spa, as well as medical grade skincare products to help protect your investment.